Sometimes our situation in life or the circumstances – cause us to be lonely. We may feel lonely even when there are others around us! The need to be  be in community, to connect with people that know us, to be understood, and accepted for who we are is vital for our mental well-being. It is a basic human need, without which we may feel outcast, rejected and even worthless.



Loneliness adds a great burden to that lack of community and belonging. It may very well pull us down into anxiety, depression and withdrawing from society for fear of being rejected again.


Perhaps it is the need to work long and difficult hours that make connecting socially impossible, and as a result, our rest times are when friends and family are not available. This may drive us to the self-comfort of food, alcohol or other substances or lifestyle choices we are not proud of.


Jesus understands our every need. He knows how to meet us – He touched the “untouchable” lepers that society had cast out, He spoke to the woman caught in a promiscuous lifestyle, He made friends with a thief and healed the one who had lived a shame-filled existence for many years. Each person that He met and spent time with was changed FOREVER – healed, restored to society and He gave them the peace their hearts had longed for.

Psalm 68:6 God places the lonely in families; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.


He longs to make a change in your life also.


John 1:12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.


Give us a call, we will listen to your heart with the love of Jesus, we will accept you with the compassion of Jesus, and bring hope with the vision of Jesus.  He has good plans for you – for hope and a future.