About Us
is a non-profit company (non-profit organization) and was started in Pretoria
in 1986 under the covering of Hatfield Christian Church.
Derek Puffett was the founder of the Telefriend ministry, and he and
his wife Beryl had pioneered a telephone help-line with a secular-based
organisation in 1979 when they lived in Windhoek, Namibia before starting Telefriend.
The service is offered free-of-charge via telephone and WhatsApp.
Through prayer ministry and care, enabling people to strengthen their coping mechanisms, enhancing the quality of life in the community.
Telefriend is now an inter-denominational ministry reaching people throughout South Africa, established for the community as a whole.
vision of Telefriend is to establish centres as the Lord leads, nationally and
WHAt sets us apart
We assist callers of any age, background and
culture in any area of need. Prayer ministry is given in a wide variety of
situations, ranging from for example depression, AIDS, problem relationships, financial issues and many others.
Understanding Loneliness
Many situations in life can leave us without family, good friends or people we trust around us. This can lead us to being lonely - still desiring connections but due to our stage in life - not having many.
This can drag us down in our emotional state and take away the fullness of what relationships should add to our lives.
worth in Father
A question we need to ask ourselves is: "Where do we derive our self-worth from?"
Often it is taken from what we feel about ourselves - our looks, abilities, status, salary, possessions and more.
Or what people tell us we are - no good, a failure, stupid, clumsy and more
Our real worth comes from Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the Cross and how He sees us. Father God's love and acceptance is an unconditional one due to what Jesus has done for us.
BULLIES and their effect
It is a sad reality of our society nowadays, that putting others down and making them feel inferior by bullying them is a common occurrence.
Children are bullied in schools; people are bullied on social media platforms and bullying even occurs in the workplace
So we need to be equipped to understand how to handle these situations, where and how to get help or assistance so we can lead a fulfilling life.
You are loved
Society tells us we need to be acceptable, to conform to certain norms, to attain certain goals before we are accepted.
Our upbringing may have taught us we need to perform to be loved.
And so we can spend our lives trying to become acceptable and fill the empty part on our inside that asks "Who will love me, just as I am?"
Father God wants us to bring that unmet desire to Him, so He can nurture and love us - unconditionally!
Relationships are difficult and yet they are how
we relate to people around us. We can get hurt in relationships by, especially
people closest to us – family, friends and even business colleagues and partners
Families can get torn apart when there is conflict between members and so social gatherings become times of stress or are not attended
On social media platforms, we can simply unfriend people - but you cannot do this to flesh and blood. So how can we better manage them?

We are
offering you an opportunity to be a resource to others….
get involved
You could host a Telefriend centre in your city, church or community and help make the difference in the lives of those around you.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ
Galatians 6:2

Our volunteers
are trained to assist you
Volunteers have had training in prayer ministry and are waiting to give you the support you need
We operate from
9 am up to 9 pm
every day of the week
0861 10 63 10
whatsapp 071 674 3788
Chris phoned to thank Telehelpers who
assisted him after he found out his wife was keeping a lover half her age. They
coached him in how to stop excessive alcohol intake. Chris says that he has not
touched alcohol for a while, and thus far - even during the festive season -
(by God's divine grace) he has been able to decline offers of drinks at
business lunches, appointments and functions!!!!
Jeanette says "Thank you for listening! Sometimes it is just enough...."
Helen phoned to say thank you to Telefriend and
the people who prayed with her for her son who has been struggling with alcohol
abuse. He has been admitted to a rehabilitation centre, and his employees
granted time for him to be restored. They confirmed that his job is waiting for
Edward phoned to thank the Lord for answering the prayers of
the Telehelpers when he had a court case coming up. He phoned Telefriend
and his case was actually withdrawn the next day. (Isn’t our God such an
amazing and awesome God!?)
Sharan says, "Thank you for this ministry! I really appreciate it..."