Upcoming training courses

Be trained in how to care for your hurting community, and how to evangelise the lost.

Equipping the Body of Christ is an important part of the call of Jesus on our lives. He said, “… go and make disciples of all nations …” (Matthew 28:19).  The telephone and WhatsApp are very powerful instruments in the hands of the Lord. And so it is important to know how to respond in a Christ-like way and offer prayer-ministry that will help the guest.            

The Telefriend Training School is open to Christian men and women who love the Lord Jesus Christ and have a passion to see others set free from emotional and spiritual bondages. 

The Telefriend Training School is a practical, life-changing experience which equips students with strong communication, relationship building and listening skills. Although the training leans towards telephone and WhatsApp skills, what you learn can be used in your daily walk life with family, friends, colleagues and even strangers.

Telefriend presents training courses at the following centres: 
(For international enquiries, please contact Telefriend head office. See ‘contact us’)

eastrand school dates


3 weeks: Monday, Friday and Saturday

To register

Contact 011 391 2222

Maranatha Church, 

Kempton Park


durban school dates 

 Starts 26 June, 2023

Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays

To register

Contact 031 469 2490



"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

matthew 9:37-38